Sunday, December 12, 2010


If there’s one word you need to know as a snowboarder, it’s “steez.” You will hear it all over any mountain. It is a combination of the words “style” and “ease” and can be used in two ways.

First, steez is an adjective, used to describe something that is done with style and ease. Snowboarders use it to describe someone’s overall snowboarding style, or specifically the way they grind a rail or hit a jump. To be told you have steez is a good thing. Remember, everyone wants to be steezy. A common example of how one would use the word is, “dude, that hit was hella steezy.” Here is an example of my friend Ryan grinding with, “mad steez.”

Second, steez is a noun. It refers to articles of clothing that someone who is considered steezy would wear. Examples of steez are hanging suspenders, bandanas, baggy pants, and headphones. Commons uses of steez as a noun include, “bro, you have mad steez” or, “check his steez.” Here is a photo of my friend Max Ebestein, or as we like to call him, Ebensteez. 

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